From the May 21st newsletter:
You may have been wondering what we’re planning for this summer. This is the email with the start of those answers! The board met virtually this week and have made plans.
Sunday- We have decided to remain exclusively online for our Sunday experiences, including power of 8, service, and fellowship. There are a variety of factors involved with this, one is that we do not have the people power to keep up with the extra precautions needed at this time. We will revisit this for the fall, with the vision that at that time more data backed information about how to keep each other safe will be available as well as lower infection rates.
Our Sunday services will soon be including some more musical variety and other innovations to come.
Summer Hikes- Now scheduling. If you’re interested in joining our hikes please let me know when would be good for you.
Taize- I am working on a plan where we could have Taize service in an outdoor location where physical distancing could be observed. Our next scheduled Taize service is in two weeks, so be sure to check the enews next week for details.
New! Discussion Group starting next Thursday at 11am on Zoom. We will gather for an informal discussion on a variety of spiritual topics. I will provide fodder for contemplation and conversation you bring the coffee, tea, etc.
I miss meeting with you in person and hugging and singing and sharing food together. I know that you may be missing that too. This is sad indeed, but what would be heartbreaking to me would be any of you becoming ill from our gathering.
Let’s keep our hearts connected even as we keep our bodies apart.
If you have questions, concerns, prayer requests or anything else, please feel free to reach out.